What Will Your Kids Wear This Summer? A Fashion Guide for Fashionable Kids

Summer is just around the corner and with it are new Summer fashions for kids! Now you can get ready for the summer season with fashionable children’s clothing, just in the nick of time!

sumer clothes for kids

It’s amazing how quickly the Summer season can come upon you.  With the exception of just a few months each year, finding children’s summer clothing in local stores can be virtually impossible.

Fortunately in today’s world, finding gorgeous kids clothing is always just a few clicks away.  By using the internet you can find great children’s clothing at great prices year-round.

There are literally thousands of sites you can peruse for kid’s fashions, and many of these offer summertime selections all year long, so whether you’re simply preparing for summer early, or taking a winter vacation in a balmy summer-like location, these fashions are always available to you.


What to Buy
Obviously, when you think of summertime clothing, you think of short sleeved or sleeveless tops and usually girls and boys shorts for bottoms.  For footwear you think of either short ankle socks or no socks at all with simple, lightweight footwear or even flip flops.

Summer time is also a time for light, both in terms of color and weight.  White or light blues, yellows and greens are great for summertime wear, and should be lightweight materials that allow a lot of airflow.

For kids, tight clothes are out.  It may have been popular in the eighties, but in today’s world, tight-fitting clothes are a fashion no-no.  In fashion, as with everything else it seems, retro is in and there are many places to find styles that harken back to simpler days.

Vertical stripes alternating between white and a light color are popular for tops, and go well with solid white or a solid color bottom.

Whatever your kids end up wearing this Summer, we know they will look ULTRA cute! And even cuter with a Hebrew Camp Summer Camp t-shirt!


For more information about the Hebrew Dual Language Summer Camp, please email Sivan at shadari@kingsbayy.org or call Nadira or Gilad at 718-407-6377.

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